As the Nellie founder, I travel a lot—both with my family and for my company. Though it’s really hard to pick favorites, I wanted to share my top 10 travel experiences from last year.



1. Exploring Mexico City via bar crawl 

I was made to feel like an absolute VIP on an insider bar crawl that included exclusive access to some of Mexico City’s most sought-after bars, including Licorería Limantour, which is #7 on the list of the top 50 bars in the world. With reserved seats and personal welcomes from owners and chefs, this evening was one of the best nights on the town I’ve ever had.




2. Exploring food and more in rural Georgia

The Georgian people (from the country, not the state) love food, wine, and cultural traditions—I got to experience it all! In the remote countryside of Georgia, I learned how to make traditional Georgian bread from a wonderful elderly woman who’d lived in the area her whole life. In addition to drinking plenty of Georgian wine, I learned about the Georgian wine-making method where giant clay vessels, or kvevri, are buried underground to ferment. It’s an 8,000-year-old tradition!




3. Doing an authentic village homestay in Vietnam

To get an honest glimpse into rural life in Vietnam, I visited the home of a local family in the Mekong Delta. I got to experience firsthand their simple way of life without modern amenities such as air conditioning or ovens. It was an honor to spend time with such a beautiful family in such an authentic environment.




4. Visiting the awe-inspiring Angkor Wat at sunrise 

Angkor Wat’s ancient temples are an incredible feat of engineering that have since been reclaimed by Cambodia’s jungles. It was a surreal and deeply spiritual experience walking among the ruins at dawn. I was left breathless by the beauty. 




5. Meeting the HeroRats of APOPO 

I have a particular distaste for rats, but my visit to APOPO, an NGOs in Cambodia was so inspiring, I cradled a rat in my arms for minutes before leaving. Cambodia has one of the highest concentrations of landmines in the world, and people are still maimed every year. APOPO trains African giant pouched rats to detect landmines more effectively than humans. Getting to hold these incredible "HeroRats" that have helped clear countless landmines and save lives was a truly unique experience (and they’re surprisingly adorable!).




6. Sailing the Bosphorus in Istanbul like royalty

Channeling my inner Kardashian, I sailed along the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul on a private yacht that pulled up right at my hotel, the Peninsula. After indulging in gorgeous views, superb champagne, and delicious snacks, I disembarked at yet another 5-star property with staff lined up to greet me. I felt like an absolute rock star.




7. Discovering the sacred landscapes of Uluru 

Hiking around the incredible mass of Uluru/Ayers Rock in the Australian Outback was a humbling experience and really made me appreciate Australia's indigenous heritage. I learned that this natural marvel of a landscape is so hallowed, you aren’t allowed to take photographs of certain sections. I really felt the sacredness of it all. A wonderful experience.




8. Greeting the Hawaiian sunrise by outrigger canoe

One of the most tranquil travel moments in 2023 was off the Big Island in Hawaii. I woke in darkness to greet the sunrise aboard a traditional Hawaiian outrigger canoe. Alone on the water, we softly paddled out in the predawn light. As I watched the sun come up over the horizon and listened to a traditional Hawaiian greeting sung on a conch, I felt a deep reverence both for nature and Hawaiian culture.




9. Enjoying a spa break in the Peloponnese Region

While not normally a "destination spa person," the Euphoria Retreat, in the Peloponnese region of Greece won me over. The Peloponnese Region is a historically-rich region of Greece, reachable by car in a few hours from Athens. The region is brimming with new properties including woman-owned Euphoria which opened in 2018. The value compared to US spas was incredible and most guests were European couples or singles. I indulged in several days of treatments. Just beyond the property is the cute town of Mystras and forests to hike through.




10. Traditional high tea at Brown's Hotel in London

For a quintessentially English experience, I enjoyed a delightful high tea at the luxurious Brown's Hotel in London. The hotel's refined elegance with its Rudyard Kipling-themed rooms and exquisite wallpapers made for an unforgettable mother-son experience.  I grew up in England and it was a true treat to share this with my American son.

I hope this inspires you to plan your own next adventure. Need help with that? Nellie’s here for you! Just get in touch:

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